Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Does It Take To Regrow Hair

There are a lot of good ways advertised on how to regrow hair. The thing is not all methods work for everyone and it takes a while to find out what will work for you. I have been looking for a long time for ways to make my hair grow instead of continue to have it fall out. If you have this problem then you need to be looking around for the method that will work for you. The important thing to remember is that everyone’s body, and also their hair loss is different and what works for one person will not work for another. Keep looking and trying things to find the answer for you.
There has been a lot of scientific research into hair loss and what it takes to get it growing again. The most interesting thing is that both the drugs that have been accepted by the FDA as a way to treat hair loss were actually being tested as treatments for other conditions. It is like hair loss treatments are just not that important.
Minoxidil, which is marketed as Rogaine among others, was originally developed as a treatment for high blood pressure. The hypothesis was that a constriction of the blood vessels in the body was causing the increase in pressure. Minoxidil was used to open the small blood vessels up. The unsuspected side effect was men on the drug showed relief from hair loss. This makes sense because male pattern baldness is caused by a restriction of blood flow to the hair follicles. This eventually causes the hair units to wither and die. The increased blood flow actually helped them to renew themselves.
The other drug, Finasteride, which is marketed as Propecia among others was originally developed as a treatment for enlarged prostrate in men. The way it worked was to limit the amount of DHT, a metabolite of testosterone. The DHT also builds up on the hair follicles and causes a restriction in the blood supply. Limiting the buildup caused a marked increase in hair growth and stopping hair loss.
What other potential treatments are out there waiting to be found? Try some methods and see what happens for you.