Sunday, March 15, 2009

How To Make Hair Grow Faster and Regrow Hair

Hair loss finding out how to regrow hair is big business in the US because a person’s hair is very important to how others view him or her. Premature graying and hair loss can both make a person appear to be 10 to 20 years older than their actual age. This importance of hair makes the question of how to make your hair grow faster a very important one to answer. Actually most people’s hair grows at a rate of about one half inch per month maximum. Although you can’t do much to grow hair faster than one-half inch you can affect hair growth rates if your lifestyle does not support the maximum growth.

In order to answer the question how to make hair grow faster you first have to understand how hair grows. Hair in humans, like all mammals, is a protein filament that grows from a bulb located in the dermis of the skin which is located below the epidermas. Hair grows from follicles that are found in groups of 3 to 5. This is why when you pull out a single hair you also get a few others. The main component of hair is keratin. Keratin are fibrous structural proteins that hard and insoluble. They form all the hard non-mineralized structures in animals. Bones are mineralized because they are grown from calcium.

Since hair is made up of keratin which is a protein it makes since that the diet of person wishing to maximize hair growth should include ample protein. Gelatin has long been recommended for nail growth and hair growth because it is loaded with protein. Other good sources of protein include meat products, eggs, and dairy products. When learning how to grow hair fast you want to look at your diet and be sure you are eating enough proteins each day. Most people in the US do not need to worry about protein levels as the American diet generally has ample amounts. So the first key to how to make your hair grow fast is to be sure you have enough protein.

Biotin Hair Growth

Another important nutritional requirement to make hair growth faster is Biotin. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. Bitoin is necessary for cell growth, the metabolism of fats and amino acids and the production of fatty acids. Biotin also is useful in maintaining steady blood sugar levels and is often recommended for the strengthening of hair and nails.

Biotin supplements are very commonly recommended as a natural product to counteract hair loss in both adults and children. Signs of biotin deficiency are hair loss which progresses in severity to include the loss of eye lashes and eye brows in subjects with a severe deficiency. Some shampoos are marketed as containing biotin but this most likely has no beneficial results since biotin is not absorbed well through the skin. The minimum recommended intake of biotin for adults is about 30 ug per day and the average diet in the US usually supplies about 40 ug. There are only a few foods with high concentrations to make hair grow fast. These foods are royal jelly, which comes from honey bees, and brewers yeast. Other foods that are natural sources of biotin include liver, legumes, soy, swiss chard, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, and carrots. Some foods with lesser amounts are almonds, eggs, onions, milk, certain berries, halibut, and walnuts. Biotin is the most important of the hair growing viamins.

How To Regrow Hair

When people ask how to make hair grow faster they are actually asking two different questions. The first is how to make the existing hair on the head grow at a faster rate. The second question is really how to regrow hair once it has been lost. The FDA has certified two medications for hair regrowth. They both have their pluses and minuses when it comes to making hair grow faster.

The first drug is Minoxidil which was originally developed to combat high blood pressure. It is now marketed as a topical hair regrowth treatment under the brand name Rogaine. In clinical studies about half of the men who underwent a treatment regime with this drug showed an increase in hair growth. Minoxidil is a very safe drug and can be purchased over the counter. This drug is also safe for women to use as way to counteract female hair thinning. Women do not generally lose all the hair in one location like men but instead tend to have thinning over their entire head.

Unlike Minoxidil, the next drug Finasteride is not recommended for pre-menopausal women. The reason for this is Fiasteride, marketed as Propecia or Proscar, may cause birth defects when ingested while the woman is pregnant. Finasteride is more highly regulated than the other drug treatment for hair loss and thus requires a prescription and is not offered over the counter. This drug is taken orally in a tablet form. In one study of over 1500 men about 80% showed an increase in hair appearance after two years of daily treatment.

How To Make Hair Grow Naturally

Many people are unsure of our current reliance on the big pharmaceutical companies and thus are looking for alternatives for all types of treatments. The question always comes up how to make hair grow faster naturally. There are several home remedies for hair growth but most have not been tested under scientific scrutiny.

One method involves applying a misxture of olive oil, honey and cinnamon powder before showering. Another treatment with honey involves taking to banana, whipped egg yolk, sour cream and honey and mixing it up. It then must be spread on the head for 40 minutes and kept warm with a hot towel or other item. Another method similar to the last two uses a potato. Create a mixture of one egg yolk, one teaspoon vegetable oil, one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon find salt. Fold in two grated medium potatoes and apply to the scalp for 35 to 45 minutes covered with a hot towel.

If you are trying to find a way to regrow hair these last ideas may be worth trying but I have not seen any scientific evidence that they actually assist in growing hair. Hair is an important part of a persons look and taking care of your hair can be the difference between balding and a youthful appearance. Your diet can make a big difference in how fast your hair grows althought it appears that the maximum growth rate for hair is about one-half inch per month. There is no silver bullet for the question how to make your hair grow faster although there are several different levels of treatments that can be tried.

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