Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Regrow Hair With Natural Remedies

Almost all ancient civilizations we can study had some method for growing hair on a bald head. Apparently we aren't the only ones who have that problem. This has been around for a long time and it will probably also be around in the future. Trying all these remedies would take a long time because every civilization seems to have had their own idea on what worked and what didn't. Like most of the remedies you find today, I would imagine most of these really didn't do much to regrow hair.
There is one ancient remedy I know of that has been used in Europe for a long time. The extract of this plant does seem to help hair to regrow when a man is suffering from male pattern baldness. The Saw Palmetto plant seems to lower the levels of DHT in the blood stream. This is the main cause of male pattern baldness. What happens is the DHT builds up on the roots of the hair and stops the blood from delivering oxygen and nutrients. The Saw Palmetto appears to slow down this process.
If you want to find an answer to how to regrow hair I would take a look at this extract.

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