Saturday, October 3, 2009

How To Regrow Hair Naturally

When a person is trying to combat hair loss there are really two different scenarios that need to be considered. These two different situations will require two completely different methods of hair loss treatment and thus we need to answer the question of how to regrow hair differently based on which one we are talking about. The two situations are really hair thinning and baldness. If you are experiencing hair loss that has only resulted in a thinning hair mass on some area of your scalp then you are more than likely going to be able to help regrow your hair naturally. If, on the other hand, you actually have lost all your hair on an area of the scalp then you will most likely not be able to get hair growth again either naturally or with drugs.
If you are interested in how to regrow your hair you really need to understand what exactly is causing the hair loss. The vast majority of men who are suffering from a loss of hair are in that condition because they have a genetic condition known as male pattern baldness. This condition can actually be passed down on either the mother’s or the father’s side contrary to popular beliefs. Male pattern baldness is caused, usually, by a build up of DHT in the blood stream which affects the ability of the hair follicles to grow hair. It appears as though the DHT actually inhibits the flow of blood to the hair roots and thus causes them to whither and eventually stop functioning all together. The problem is you can’t regrow hair follicles once they have ceased to function. That means if you want to continue to grow hair you need to treat this problem before it gets to the stage that the hair follicles are completely not functioning.
Hair regrowth can be possible if you treat the causes early enough because it does seem like this problem caused by DHT can be reversed with the correct drugs or herbs. DHT is actually a byproduct of the metabolism of the male hormone testosterone. Even though it is called the male hormone, this is actually found in both males and females to varying degrees. This is just like the so called female hormone estrogen that is found in both sexes.
Medical studies have found that an excess amount of free DHT actually can have two effects on men. The first is a loss of hair but the second involves the male urinary tract. In fact it can cause an enlarging of the male prostate gland. Actually this is how one of the most effective treatments for male pattern baldness was discovered. A new drug, Finasteride, was being tested to treat enlarged prostate. During the trials on humans it was found that many of the men being treated also saw a marked improvement in their hair loss. Further study indicated that the levels of DHT were responsible for both conditions.
If you are trying to learn how to regrow hair naturally instead of using drugs like Finasteride you will find that there are herbs that appear to have the same effect. In particular, Saw Palmetto extract has been used for centuries as a treatment for male urinary problems and now is being used to treat male hair loss. It appears from recent studies that this extract affects the free DHT in the blood stream which can allow the hair follicles to regain some of their nutrient flow. The Saw Palmetto is one of the best herbs to regrow hair in use today.
Another treatment for hair loss that came from study of another medical condition is the drug Minoxidil. This drug was originally developed to treat high blood pressure. It did this by causing a slight enlargement of the blood vessels. It was thought this would help reduce the pressure of the blood flow through the body. It did that but it also had another consequence. By allowing more blood flow through the tiny vessels it allowed more blood to pass to the hair follicles and thus allowed them to receive the needed oxygen and nutrients. Again in trials it was found that men who were taking the drug not only had a decrease in blood pressure, they also had an increase in hair growth. This hair regrowth was not as marked as that with the Finasteride but it still seemed like about half of the men saw some level of regrowing of their hair.
These two situations show that if you still have some hair growing you can treat it with drugs or herbs. But what if the hair has completely fallen out and the follicles have been stressed so much that they are no longer functioning? In this case you need to look to a hair replacement system instead of regrowing hair. The best method is to have hair implantation surgery which actually takes hair follicles from an area of the head that still has growth and moves them to the bald spot. These hair implants are inserted in the bald area and within a few weeks they have attached to the blood supply and begin to produce new hair shaft material. Within about 6 months you start to see some great hair growth and it will continue on for years to come.
The fact is, answering the question of how to regrow hair really means you need to know at what stage of hair loss you are in and what your options are. The problem of how to regrow lost hair is not really easily answered but the good news is there are options to walking around with no hair on your head.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What Does It Take To Regrow Hair

There are a lot of good ways advertised on how to regrow hair. The thing is not all methods work for everyone and it takes a while to find out what will work for you. I have been looking for a long time for ways to make my hair grow instead of continue to have it fall out. If you have this problem then you need to be looking around for the method that will work for you. The important thing to remember is that everyone’s body, and also their hair loss is different and what works for one person will not work for another. Keep looking and trying things to find the answer for you.
There has been a lot of scientific research into hair loss and what it takes to get it growing again. The most interesting thing is that both the drugs that have been accepted by the FDA as a way to treat hair loss were actually being tested as treatments for other conditions. It is like hair loss treatments are just not that important.
Minoxidil, which is marketed as Rogaine among others, was originally developed as a treatment for high blood pressure. The hypothesis was that a constriction of the blood vessels in the body was causing the increase in pressure. Minoxidil was used to open the small blood vessels up. The unsuspected side effect was men on the drug showed relief from hair loss. This makes sense because male pattern baldness is caused by a restriction of blood flow to the hair follicles. This eventually causes the hair units to wither and die. The increased blood flow actually helped them to renew themselves.
The other drug, Finasteride, which is marketed as Propecia among others was originally developed as a treatment for enlarged prostrate in men. The way it worked was to limit the amount of DHT, a metabolite of testosterone. The DHT also builds up on the hair follicles and causes a restriction in the blood supply. Limiting the buildup caused a marked increase in hair growth and stopping hair loss.
What other potential treatments are out there waiting to be found? Try some methods and see what happens for you.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How To Regrow Hair Conspiracy

You deserve to know how to regrow hair the natural way. Have you noticed how you can find out all kinds of information about hair growth products and drugs that make the big drug companies a lot of money but it is almost impossible to find out, for example, if biotin regrows hair? Why is that. I think it is a conspiracy that is making the big companies a whole lot of profits while keeping good information on hair growth out of the hands of the public.
For example, do eggs make your hair grow? Well we don’t know for sure because the government won’t talk about that even though eggs have been a staple of home remedies for baldness for years. Why isn’t there some studies done to prove this works instead of spending all that money on drug with all those bad side effects. I’ll tell you why. The big drug companies give the politicians millions of dollars every year so you won’t find out if biotin makes your hair grow faster. They don’t want you to know this because they will not make any money if you can find an inexpensive treatment at home.
Aloe vera to regrow hair is another old time remedy that doesn’t get any study. Does it work? A lot of people say it does but no studies have been done to prove it or disprove it. I can tell you if the drug companies could make money off of it you can be sure the government would have all kinds of studies going on.
If you are looking for how to regrow hair naturally good luck because most of the information is being squashed I think. If you have access to this type of information then you better jump on it now because it won’t be around for very long. Someone or something is keeping all this information out of the hands of the general public. You need to make it your duty to find out all you can about re-growing hair so the information does not get lost.
There are some places that still offer good information on home remedies. Check them out and see if they don’t offer ideas just as good as those bloated drug companies. You deserve to get your hair growing faster without making the drug company CEO’s rich.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Regrow Hair With Natural Remedies

Almost all ancient civilizations we can study had some method for growing hair on a bald head. Apparently we aren't the only ones who have that problem. This has been around for a long time and it will probably also be around in the future. Trying all these remedies would take a long time because every civilization seems to have had their own idea on what worked and what didn't. Like most of the remedies you find today, I would imagine most of these really didn't do much to regrow hair.
There is one ancient remedy I know of that has been used in Europe for a long time. The extract of this plant does seem to help hair to regrow when a man is suffering from male pattern baldness. The Saw Palmetto plant seems to lower the levels of DHT in the blood stream. This is the main cause of male pattern baldness. What happens is the DHT builds up on the roots of the hair and stops the blood from delivering oxygen and nutrients. The Saw Palmetto appears to slow down this process.
If you want to find an answer to how to regrow hair I would take a look at this extract.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

How To Regrow Hair UPDATE

I want to get this posted fast so you can take advantage of these great resources. I don’t have time to write a long post but check out these two hair systems. I think you’ll be amazed.

I am constantly researching hair re-growth methods in order to bring you the most up to date information available. My blog is all about helping you to stop the embarrassment of hair loss. I just ran across two great resources that you need to look at. If you are tired of the big drug companies telling you expensive drugs are the only answer check these out.

Todd Davis has a system for you that is all natural and giving great results. He shows you how to take around $12 worth of grocery items and naturally get good results. To check out his powerful, natural hair regrowth system Click Here! Note: even Hollywood actors use this method.

The next secret is absolutely amazing in what it can accomplish. Jonathan E. Phillips has been researching healthy hair for over 25 years. He wants you to know the secrets that the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical companies are trying to keep under wraps. To find out about his unique system Click Here!

Both of these system are great when used separately but combining them may give you even more than double the benefit. Try them now before you experience another embarrassing moment.

I gotta run but I wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible. Here’s to your new head of hair.

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Last Straw

The bald is beautiful shirts are bad enough. I “have” to smile because they are gifts but inside I am crying Bald Is NOT Beautiful. Bald is ugly. Bald is for old men. Bald is not sexy and I see it in the eyes of the women I meet. Every Christimas and birthday they rub it in one more time with the bald gifts. They’re saying, “I’ve got a full head of hair and you don’t, I’m a better man and I can make you feel like sh*t.”

The last straw is the newest t-shirt. You've probably seen them. This one is a pale blue color with a picture of a crusty, old, bald guy on front. The caption reads, “I’m not bald I’m just taller than my hair.” I can’t take it any more.

  • I can’t take people rubbing my head.
  • I can’t take people thinking I am 15 years older than my age.
  • I can’t take women passing me by for the guy with the great hair.
  • I can’t take jokes about it being drafty or watch out for the sunburn.

How about you? Can you take it any more? Have you reached the breaking point? Are you ready to scream?

Now that you’ve decided enough is enough it’s time to take action.

  • It’s time to stop being “the bald guy.”
  • It’s time to look younger.
  • It’s time to stop being passed over for promotion because you look to old.
  • It’s time to have the women look at you with “that look” in their eyes.

Choose today to be the day you start having more power. You CAN get a full head of hair again so the question is, Are you ready? Are you ready to feel great again? Are you ready to proud of how you look?

Now that you’re ready what’s holding you back? You know you’d feel better. You know you’d hold your head up and take your place with all the others. The guys who have that sexy, wavy, full head of hair.

Make today the day you start back on the road to that healthy, youthful, sexy look. Don’t wait another minute.

You deserve your self-esteem back.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

How to Regrow Hair Transplants

Increasing the amount of hair in bald spots with hair transplants is not technically re-growing hair because the hair is usually moved from one section of the head containing hair to the area with hair loss. This method is worth exploring since it has become a very popular method of hair restoration and re-growth. The hair replacement procedure for attacking male pattern baldness is not cheap but in recent years, with new hair transplant techniques being developed, the results are becoming very spectacular. In the battle to learn how to regrow hair this information can be an effective weapon.

Some of these methods were originally developed in Japan during the 1930’s. In this case, the surgeons were mostly concentrating on eye lash and eye brow replacement; baldness was not a big concern. The surgeons were using small grafts of hair and even follicular unit grafts which are the basis of the modern techniques used for hair implants. The research was mostly discontinued during World War II and it wasn’t until the 1950’s in the US that hair transplant therapies were utilized with any regularity.

Hair Plugs

At this time the “hair restoration” techniques were known as hair plugs. The reason was quite obvious. Unlike today where surgeons manipulate single follicle units of hair to achieve a more natural look, the emphasis during this phase was on removing donor grafts from one section of the scalp and reattaching the graft to the area with the hair loss. Although these grafts were fairly small they were still large enough to be noticeable to the eye. The result of these hair grafts or hair plugs was a doll head appearance with many groups of hairs surrounded with bald spots. This method did not give the results required and actually caused the recipient to draw more attention to his balding problem than if he had done nothing.

One very important realization at this time was that donor hair reacted like the hair from the donor area instead of like the hair which had been in the bald spot before it fell out. Many people feared that moving hair patches to the bald areas would cause the hair to fall out. This did not seem to be the case. Instead the healthy hair from the donor area continued to be healthy and grow after the hair grafts were implanted.

Follicular Unit Transplantation

Hair naturally grows in follicle groups of one to four hair shafts. In the 1990’s attention was on the use of these natural hair groups as a way to give a better appearance. In this technique a micro graft is removed from the person’s head and then follicular units are carefully removed from this graft portion and prepared for insertion in the balding area. The surgeon then makes microscopic incisions in the scalp with a very tine scalpel or needle and the hair follicles containing the hair shafts are inserted.

The really nice thing about this technique is ability of the surgeon the spread the transplanted hair groups out over the head in a natural fashion. The emphasis has been on placing more and more hair groupings into a given bald area. The current refined follicular unit hair transplantation methods result in up to 50 hair follicle grafts per square centimeter. Also in recent years the lateral slit technique has allowed surgeons to orient the hair follicles in natural directions within the balding area which allows for the hair to lay in a way that mimics the natural hair. This has again resulted much better results for the person seeking hair implants.

Hair Transplant Women

These techniques have been found to work as effectively on women as they have on men. Generally, though, women do not suffer from the same type of balding as men do. The pre-dominate form of balding in men is male pattern baldness which is complete hair loss over certain areas of the head. Women, on the other hand, tend to have hair thinning as opposed to patches of complete baldness. This method of hair transplanting requires a healthy section of full hair to remove the grafts from and if the woman’s hair is thin all over this is harder to find. Some women do suffer from bald spots and this method can be very effective for them.

The cost of hair transplants and hair implants varies depending on the location of the clinic and the expertise of the surgeon. Most hair implant clinics have been located in large US cities but like other medical procedures many other countries are now developing aggressive programs at reduced prices. Prices range from $3 to $7 a graft with 1500 to 4000 individual grafts the norm. This gives a total package cost of $4500 to $20,000 in the US for this hair transplant procedure.

In countries offering “Beauty Tourism Packages” this price can be drastically reduced. For example this entire procedure can often be done for less than $5000 including air fare and hotel accommodations. In India the hair follicular units can be transplanted for about $1.50 per unit. This can drastically lower the cost of returning your hair to a fuller natural appearance.

Hair implants and hair transplantation is not really considered regrowing hair because it does not rejuvenate the follicles that have become dormant. Instead this method involves removing hair shafts from one area of the head and surgically inserting them in the scalp at the balding area. This can result in a very natural looking head of hair but it is quite expensive. But if someone is looking for a method of how to regrow hair this may be a very effective tool for them.

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hair Restoration Naturally

There are a multitude of natural remedies that have been used over the years when people have wanted to know how to regrow hair to combat hair loss. It seems like most indigenous people had natural remedies and treatments they used to combat hair loss and scalp problems. If you want to know how to regrow hair these ideas are definitely worth considering.

JoJoba Oil has been used for centuries by Native Americans in the desert Southwest of the US. They used it to promote hair growth and to control dandruff. Jojoba oil is also used today as great natural moisturizer for skin. The oil should be used on a daily basis if you want to make your hair grow faster by using this ancient Native American treatment.

Another treatment popular in the Southwest and also in the Caribbean basin is aloe vera. Aloe vera is a succulent plant known for its treatment of burns and skin irritations. Many households in the American Southwest keep a few aloe vera plants growing in order to have the juice available for the treatment of sun burn. It is thought that aloe vera juice can help with the ph level of the scalp. A traditional recipe for using Aloe Vera to make your hair grow faster involves a mixture of wheat germ oil, coconut milk, and aloe vera gel.

Saw Palmetto extract and Nettle root are both natural remedies that have been used in Europe for ages. Both of these substances inhibit DHT or dihydrotestosterone which is a hormone that has been found to be the main predicator to androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. DHT is a testosterone hormone that seems to affect the hair follicles which causes the hair shafts to fall out. By taking Saw Palmetto and Nettle root extracts the levels of DHT are lowered which should have an affect on the loss of hair caused by high levels of this hormone. Women on hormone therapy or oral contraceptives should consult their doctor before using saw palmetto.

Aroma therapy has become very popular in recent years as more and more people search for natural treatments for health problems. Aroma therapy is basically the use of essential oils from herbs and other natural sources that some believe help restore nutrients needed in our bodies. When looking at ways to help regrow hair lavender is an essential oil of choice. One popular mixture is 6 drops of lavender and bay essential oils mixed into four ounces of either almond, soybean, or sesame oil. Massage the mixture into the scalp and then cover with a warm, damp towel for at least 20 minutes. As in all natural remedies there is not much scientific evidence regarding the actual benefits of these remedies.

There are many vitamins and minerals that are necessary when learning how to make hair grow faster. One of the important vitamins is Biotin or B7. Biotin helps with the conversion of protein into hair shaft growth and also is important for the metabolism of fats and amino acids. As an added benefit, biotin is helpful in the regulation of blood sugar which is important to people suffering from diabetes. Biotin is generally found in sufficient quantities in the normal American diet. Many foods have low levels of biotin or B7 but two with high levels are royal jelly and brewer’s yeast. There is currently disagreement regarding the necessary levels of Biotin to affect hair growth. It is possible that higher levels of biotin may assist in the speed of hair growth.

A natural remedy from the Indian Subcontinent is Henna. This traditional Indian herb has been used for centuries as a natural conditioner to assist in the maintenance of healthy hair.

Some hair loss has been attributed to toxin buildup in the body. Because of this, body cleansing has been used to treat the loss of hair or baldness. A very popular cleansing method is colonic cleansing. This involves both fasting and the washing of the inside of the colon. Some people claim cleansing is very important for the removal of toxins. The removal of toxins may help in hair restoration for men.

Green tea is a beverage from China and South East Asia that has been used for centuries to combat hair loss. Green tea inhibits DHT which we have seen above is a leading cause of androgenic alopecia. Green tea is also reported to be beneficial in the control of obesity and weight loss. There are many studies now in progress in both the US and China regarding the use of green tea for the treatment of many common diseases.

Most hair loss information involves male hair loss such as male pattern baldness. Women also can suffer from hair loss with triangular alopecia women hair loss can be as apparent as a man’s. Hair is an important aspect of how a person is perceived by others and thus is important to someone who wants to exhibit a good image. Studies have shown that men are routinely assumed to be 10 to 15 years older than their actual age when they exhibit hair loss. Men with total hair loss on the front of the head and crown are sometimes labeled as twenty years older than their age. If you are suffering from hair loss learning how to regrow hair is probably an important goal in your life.

Monday, March 23, 2009

How To Regrow Hair With Biotin

Vitamin B7 is a B-complex vitamin also known as Biotin. Hair growth is predicated on the body getting the proper nutrition to allow the conversion of protein into hair shafts. Biotin helps with this functioning. Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the metabolism of fats and amino acids and the production of fatty acids. Biotin is also useful for the regulation of blood sugar which is very important to some one suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

Biotin is often recommended as a treatment for growth of nails and hair. Many hair regrowth products contain Biotin but the majority are in the form of cremes and lotions. It seems doubtful that biotin in this form would be beneficial as the nutrient is not absorbed readily through the skin. The symptoms of Biotin deficiency include loss of hair and in rare cases loss of eye brows and eye lashes although this is very rare and is only exhibited in patients with very low level of the vitamin.

Biotin for hair growth is found in a variety of foods but usually in low concentrations. It is estimated that the average adult American receives about 40 ug per day in their diet. Requirements generally fall with in this range with teenagers needing 25 ug and adults, both male and female, needing 30 ug. Biotin is often touted as an answer to how to make your hair grow faster but it probably is not a major factor in hair loss considering that most American receive the required amounts in their diet. There is some disagreement about this though as there have not been good levels of allowances set. The old Recommended Dietary Allowance of Biotin was 300 ug per day. Although most believe that 30 ug per day is adequate it may be that a higher dose would help in regrowing hair. Studies have not been done to conclude this.

If low levels of biotin are experienced there are only two foods with levels of the vitamin that would allow biotin hair growth. The first is royal jelly which is a byproduct of honey bee manufacturing. The royal jelly is made from the pollen which is removed from the legs of the bees upon entering the hive. The second food is brewers yeast which as the name implies is a yeast product. Brewers yeast is high in many nutrients and is often a part of any health food regime.

Symptoms of Biotin deficiency include dermatitis, decreased appetite, achromotrichia (loss of pigment in hair), and alopecia (hair loss). If not treated it can result in extreme rashes, seizures, and coma. This desease can be fatal if not treated however it can be alleviated with doses of Biotin.

The jury is still out on whether or not biotin supplements are good hair growing vitamins. Higher doses of biotin may make your hair grow faster but clinical studies have not proven this. If you are taking a multi-vitamin with the hope of regrowing your hair be sure it includes biotin hair growth.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Natural Hair Restoration

Do you suffer from the embarrassment of hair loss and balding and want to learn how to regrow hair naturally? Do you have trouble meeting women because your bald patch makes you look 10 or 15 years older than you really are? Have you been passed over for a promotion or been laid off because your boss is looking for a younger guy? If so you are not alone and you need to know there is help. There are a wide variety of treatments, procedures and remedies that can help you regrow your hair.

There are drugs you can apply to your scalp or take in tablet form. Although both methods have shown some results they are not 100% effective. You can also have surgery done with hair plugs or follicle transplantation. These treatments have great results but are very expensive. The last method is to learn how to make hair grow faster naturally. The mainstream medical community is finally starting to recognize natural remedies and treatments. Spending time learning to grow hair naturally is well worth it because several methods work very well.

Grow Hair Naturally

There are literally hundreds of home remedies to get thicker hair naturally. You need to start with your diet. Hair is mostly made of protein so anything that is a good source of protein should be eaten on a daily basis. Some great foods are fish, nuts, and dairy products. Gelatin is also a great source of hair loving protein and it can be eaten as a snack. Did you know that gummy Bears are made of gelatin? The next time you are looking for a sweet snack try some Gummy products and help grow your hair naturally. Cold water fish is also a great source of protein and it contains Omega-3 which helps build nails and hair.

When starting a program to answer the question how to make your hair grow faster naturally don’t forget to include a good multi-vitamin. In particular you need to have the proper levels of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is an essential vitamin for hair growth. If you eat foods high in Beta-carotene it will be converted into Vitamin A in your body. Liver is a great source of Vitamin A but a lot of people don’t care for it. If you are interested in going the Beta-carotene route then eat carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes and kale.

Another very easy method to help grow hair fast naturally is to limit the amount of stress in your life. Stress has been shown to decrease hair growth and can even cause massive hair loss in extreme cases. You should try to limit stressful situations whenever possible but sometimes things happen that are out of your control. In these cases it is important to focus on how you deal with the situation. I used to be stressed out a lot until I started realizing that most things were not nearly as important as I made them out to be. When you start to feel the stress levels increasing stop and take a deep breath and ask yourself if this will really matter in a year. I have found that most things I worried about were really not that important in the big scheme of life. I also found that fretting about possible bad outcomes was absolutely a waste of time. About 90% of the time, the thing I was worried about didn’t even happen and the 10% of the time when it did occur it was not really all that bad. Dealing with stress was one of the most important lessons from my quest to learn how to make your hair grow faster naturally.

Natural Hair Growth

When researching how to grow your hair naturally I found a lot of mixtures and compounds that can be applied to the scalp to improve hair growth. One of the most important findings was the use of essential oils. Essential oils are natural products that are very popular now because of their use in aroma-therapy. Essential oils are the actual oils that are pressed out of herbs. Do not confuse these with extracts. Extracts of the herbs are derived from chemical processes and many people feel they do not contain the same nutrients as essential oils. One scalp massage recipe called for 10 drops of rosemary oil, 10 drops lavender, 5 drops basil, and 4 ounces jojoba oil. Mix this up and massage the mixture into your scalp and then wrap your head in a warm cloth for ½ hour. This seemed to give good results to many people looking to regrow hair.

Many other popular mixtures to grow back hair naturally included egg yolks. This makes sense because eggs are very high in protein. Some examples are: mix egg yolks with extra virgin olive oil; a mixture of apple cider vinegar and egg yolk; a teaspoon of honey, egg yolk, and olive oil; and, bananas and egg yolks. All these treatment involved massaging the mixture into the scalp and then wrapping with a warm, damp towel for 30 to 45 minutes. The heat helps to mixture to soak in and the massaging works to promote blood flow to the scalp area.

Another important aspect of learning how to naturally make your hair grow, which is often forgotten, is water. Adequate amounts of water on a daily basis are absolutely necessarily for proper bodily functions including regrowing hair. It is recommended that a person drink from one to two gallons of water each day. I doubt you drink that much but it would be worth a try if you are looking for easy ways to promote hair regrowth.

The more I learn about natural remedies the more I am convinced that we should all take a hard look at utilizing the methods nature provides to deal with our illnesses and afflictions. I am sold on what mother nature has to offer. A great resource is Healthy Living-How To Live A Long Healthy Life. This guy is from the Northwest where natural living is almost a religion and he knows what he is talking about. Check him out.

When learning how to grow hair naturally there are many methods you can use. Try some of these if you are thinning on top or even if you have complete hair loss. In this society hair is very important and growing hair naturally makes the most sense from a health and financial standpoint.

Friday, March 20, 2009

How To Regrow Hair With Hair Restoration

There are a lot of methods to help in regrowing hair in the areas of hair loss. Nutrition can a major part in keeping the hair you have and helping to regrow the hair you have lost. Hair is mostly composed of protein so foods which are rich sources of protein would be very beneficial. Iron deficiency has also been shown to cause hair loss so taking the recommended levels of this mineral each day is highly recommended. The FDA has certified two drugs for use as hair regrowth treatments. The first is a topical drug. This means the substance is applied to the scalp in the form of a foam and is rubbed into the scalp. This drug is marketed under the brand name rogaine. The second drug is taken orally in tablet form. This product is marketed under the name propecia and has seem better results than the first. While all of these methods work there is a procedure that is getting rave reviews from former bald men who have tried it.
This form of regrowing hair is known as hair restoration. The idea and practice have been around since the 1950's but it is only in the last decade that modern science has really made this effective for given men a naturally looking head of hair. This method is known as follicular unit transplantation. It gives almost 100% results when preformed by a competent surgeon.
Originally hair transplantation was known as hair plugging. The surgeon would actually remove entire hair structures and then plug them back into the scalp in the bald areas. This was not very realistic looking and resulted in a scalp that resembled a doll's head with little plugs of hair sticking out. It was definitely easy to spot someone who had undergone this treatment.
The next try at natural looking hair replacement techniques involved removing small strips of the scalp with growing hair follicles and then slicing open the scalp at the balding region and transplanting the strips. This is where the term hair transplantation originates from. Although more natural looking than the plug method it still left a lot to be desired. The hair still tended to resemble patchy growths of hair instead of a natual hair coverage. This treatment also caused massive amounts of scalp trauma which sometimes caused the patients naturally remaining hair to fall out. This procedure also required several visits to the surgeon.
Today's current method of hair restoration with transplantation was originally experimented with in the 1980's. The method was then published in 1995. This method became known as follicular unit transplantation. It involves removing several more smaller section of hair and placing them into the dermis of the bald spot.
Hair follicles naturally grow in groups of one to four per bunch. This new hair regrowth technology involves removing single groupings at a time and transplanting the hair follicles to the balding area. This method has proved very effective at getting a natural looking head of hair. If you are wondering how to make your hair grow faster this method offers a good head of hair very quickly. Depending on the skill of the surgeon, the restoration procedure can result in hair that is even layed in the direction of the native hair follicles for a more natural look.
There are many methods to help a man or woman regrow their hair. Hair replacement and hair restoration is a method that is expensive but offers almost instant results. It is an effective tool in the fight to answer the question how to regrow hair.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

How To Make Hair Grow Faster and Regrow Hair

Hair loss finding out how to regrow hair is big business in the US because a person’s hair is very important to how others view him or her. Premature graying and hair loss can both make a person appear to be 10 to 20 years older than their actual age. This importance of hair makes the question of how to make your hair grow faster a very important one to answer. Actually most people’s hair grows at a rate of about one half inch per month maximum. Although you can’t do much to grow hair faster than one-half inch you can affect hair growth rates if your lifestyle does not support the maximum growth.

In order to answer the question how to make hair grow faster you first have to understand how hair grows. Hair in humans, like all mammals, is a protein filament that grows from a bulb located in the dermis of the skin which is located below the epidermas. Hair grows from follicles that are found in groups of 3 to 5. This is why when you pull out a single hair you also get a few others. The main component of hair is keratin. Keratin are fibrous structural proteins that hard and insoluble. They form all the hard non-mineralized structures in animals. Bones are mineralized because they are grown from calcium.

Since hair is made up of keratin which is a protein it makes since that the diet of person wishing to maximize hair growth should include ample protein. Gelatin has long been recommended for nail growth and hair growth because it is loaded with protein. Other good sources of protein include meat products, eggs, and dairy products. When learning how to grow hair fast you want to look at your diet and be sure you are eating enough proteins each day. Most people in the US do not need to worry about protein levels as the American diet generally has ample amounts. So the first key to how to make your hair grow fast is to be sure you have enough protein.

Biotin Hair Growth

Another important nutritional requirement to make hair growth faster is Biotin. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. Bitoin is necessary for cell growth, the metabolism of fats and amino acids and the production of fatty acids. Biotin also is useful in maintaining steady blood sugar levels and is often recommended for the strengthening of hair and nails.

Biotin supplements are very commonly recommended as a natural product to counteract hair loss in both adults and children. Signs of biotin deficiency are hair loss which progresses in severity to include the loss of eye lashes and eye brows in subjects with a severe deficiency. Some shampoos are marketed as containing biotin but this most likely has no beneficial results since biotin is not absorbed well through the skin. The minimum recommended intake of biotin for adults is about 30 ug per day and the average diet in the US usually supplies about 40 ug. There are only a few foods with high concentrations to make hair grow fast. These foods are royal jelly, which comes from honey bees, and brewers yeast. Other foods that are natural sources of biotin include liver, legumes, soy, swiss chard, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, and carrots. Some foods with lesser amounts are almonds, eggs, onions, milk, certain berries, halibut, and walnuts. Biotin is the most important of the hair growing viamins.

How To Regrow Hair

When people ask how to make hair grow faster they are actually asking two different questions. The first is how to make the existing hair on the head grow at a faster rate. The second question is really how to regrow hair once it has been lost. The FDA has certified two medications for hair regrowth. They both have their pluses and minuses when it comes to making hair grow faster.

The first drug is Minoxidil which was originally developed to combat high blood pressure. It is now marketed as a topical hair regrowth treatment under the brand name Rogaine. In clinical studies about half of the men who underwent a treatment regime with this drug showed an increase in hair growth. Minoxidil is a very safe drug and can be purchased over the counter. This drug is also safe for women to use as way to counteract female hair thinning. Women do not generally lose all the hair in one location like men but instead tend to have thinning over their entire head.

Unlike Minoxidil, the next drug Finasteride is not recommended for pre-menopausal women. The reason for this is Fiasteride, marketed as Propecia or Proscar, may cause birth defects when ingested while the woman is pregnant. Finasteride is more highly regulated than the other drug treatment for hair loss and thus requires a prescription and is not offered over the counter. This drug is taken orally in a tablet form. In one study of over 1500 men about 80% showed an increase in hair appearance after two years of daily treatment.

How To Make Hair Grow Naturally

Many people are unsure of our current reliance on the big pharmaceutical companies and thus are looking for alternatives for all types of treatments. The question always comes up how to make hair grow faster naturally. There are several home remedies for hair growth but most have not been tested under scientific scrutiny.

One method involves applying a misxture of olive oil, honey and cinnamon powder before showering. Another treatment with honey involves taking to banana, whipped egg yolk, sour cream and honey and mixing it up. It then must be spread on the head for 40 minutes and kept warm with a hot towel or other item. Another method similar to the last two uses a potato. Create a mixture of one egg yolk, one teaspoon vegetable oil, one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon find salt. Fold in two grated medium potatoes and apply to the scalp for 35 to 45 minutes covered with a hot towel.

If you are trying to find a way to regrow hair these last ideas may be worth trying but I have not seen any scientific evidence that they actually assist in growing hair. Hair is an important part of a persons look and taking care of your hair can be the difference between balding and a youthful appearance. Your diet can make a big difference in how fast your hair grows althought it appears that the maximum growth rate for hair is about one-half inch per month. There is no silver bullet for the question how to make your hair grow faster although there are several different levels of treatments that can be tried.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How To Regrow Hair For More Sex Appeal

Women like men with hair and you should learn how to regrow hair for more sex appeal if you want to better your love life. The vast majority of women are more attracted to a man with a full head of hair than they are to a bald man or a man with thinning hair. If you want more sex learn how to make your hair grow faster. I mean look at the realities, the guy who is pictured as the loser is always over weight and balding. So what does this say? Get in shape and get a great head of hair to impress the ladies.
Men have been wondering how to make hair grow faster for years and now there are lots of good opportunities for hair regrowth. The two main drugs that can increase hair growth are minoxidil which is marketed as Rogaine and finasteride marketed as Propecia. There are other drugs in development but these are the only two that have been accepted by the FDA. Both have relatively good results with hair regrowth but there are differences.
Rogaine is applied to the scalp and can be purchased over the counter. In tests conducted in laboratory settings men experienced hair regrowth about 45% of the time. So about half the men had help to regrow hair.
Propecia is delivered orally by a pill and is only available with a prescription. Although harder to obtain than Rogaine products, Propecia has shown better results. About 9 out of 10 men who wanted to know how to grow hair faster had good results with this medication. Both hair regrowth and thickening of hair were achieved in scentific studies.
If you want to learn how to grow hair fast both of these medications should be looked into. A full head of hair will help your love life and that is always worth the effort.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How To Regrow Hair With Lifestyle

Men who can learn how to regrow hair are viewed in our society as having more sex appeal and being more powerful. Early onset baldness can have a dramatic effect on the apparent age of men by others in their surroundings. If you want to know how to make your hair grow faster this article will discuss some of the lifestyle changes that can have an affect. Three important aspects of lifestyle changes for baldness seem to be diet, exercise and stress. These changes not only can help men regrow hair but also assist in a hair loss treatment for women.
The culprit for male pattern baldness and age onset hair thinning in women is a group of hormones known as andgrogens. A well known androgen is testosterone. In particular, dihydrotestosterone or DHT seems to affect the amount of hair loss in women and men by binding to the hair follicles and inhibiting growth. Consequently, most or the lifestyle factor that are concentrated on when developing a plan for how to grow hair fast deal with limiting DHT in one way or another. There are several drugs available that manipulate DHT levels and thus help to regrow hair at some level. There are also hair transplant and hair restoration surgeries that actually move hair follicles from one section of the head, usually the back, and reinsert them in the bald patch. Both of these treatements are fairly expensive so any thing that can be done for free and may offer some relief should be tried.
There seems to be some correlation between insulin levels in the blood and the amount of DHT present. This would indicate that diets which help to even out insulin levels at a lower amount may help to stop hair loss and possibly help in growing hair faster than a diet which provides high levels of insulin. A diet lower in terms of fat and calories has the affect of lowering baseline insulin levels and also overall testosterone and DHT levels. Lowering insulin levels has shown ain increase in Sex Hormone Binding Globulin SHBG which binds with testosterone in the blood stream. Only unbinded testosterone can be converted to DHT which in turn binds with the hair follicles causing them to become inactive.
Exercise and type of exercise can also have an effect on overall DHT levels. Daily, longer duration, and vigorous aerobic exercises tend to decrease these levels. Short duration intensive exercises meant to build muscle have the opposite affect and cause an increase in DHT. Daily aerobic exercise has the overall affect of lower insulin levels which we have seen can have an dramatic impact. More sporadic exercising seems to be a negative factor if you want to make hair grow fast. Exercise also can help to control stress levels.
Stress has been seen as a factor in hair loss for ages. I am sure you have heard the term "pulling his hair out" to describe someone who is stressed. There seems to be a truth to this saying. Stress does have an effect on insulin levels and DHT levels. Our natural reaction to stress is a heightening of testosterone hormones which we have shown has a negative impact on hair growth. Learning how to control anger and stress may be an easy way to help regrow hair.
These three lifestyle changes may have an impact on levels of male pattern baldness in men and thinning hair in women. All three of these ideas are free to implement and if nothing else should be utilized along with other more costly treatments. Most men realize how important it is to have a good head of hair in our society and thus learning how to regrow hair can be an important endeaver.

Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Regrow Hair With Transplantation

How to regrow hair is an important questions for men because lose of hair indicates lower sexuality and increased age in our society. In study after study the majority of women find men with full heads of hair more attractive than men with receding hairlines or thinning or balding on top. Men with hair loss are also viewed as being older than their actual age. In some cases a man with hair loss was determined to appear up to 15 years older than his actual age.
There are many answers to the question of how to grow hair faster. A current method in vogue is not actually hair regrowth but hair transplantation. In this method hair follicles from the back of a persons head are removed in groups of 1 to 4 follicles and then transplanted to the bald patch on the top of the head. Hair transplantation seems to work well as a way to spread hair to the areas affected by the male pattern baldness.
When a man suffers from male patten baldness, the hair follicles on the top of his head are genetically predisposed to falling out early in life. Generally these men have continuing to grow around the side of the head and the back. These hair follicles do not seem to have the same genetic factors related to hair loss and thus if they are transplanted to the top of the head they will tend to last for the remainder of the man's life. Although this does not actually answer how to regrow hair it does offer a solution to a receding hair line and pattern baldness.
This treatment involves the surgeon removing several 1 - 4 groups of hair follicles from the area of the head that still has sufficient hair growth and then inserting these follicles in the hair loss area. Upwards of a thousand of these groups can be moved from one area to the other. The key to an effective surgery lies in the ability of the surgeon to orient the follicles in the same directions as the natural hairs. A skilled practitioner of this method can insert the hair in such a way that the growing hair looks completely natural.
The hairs that are transplanted are hard to distinguish as being inserted because there is a perfect match for color and thickness with the remainder of the hair on the head. This makes sense because the hairs actually do belong to the patient. This method of baldness therapy has become very popular over the last decade.
Most men realize that a good looking head of hair is imperative to job success and romantic success. Men with hair loss are seen as being older and less energetic than they really are. They are also seen as having less sex drive and being more unappealing to women. If you are suffering from hair loss I suggest you answer the question of how to regrow hair and get your youth back.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How To Regrow Hair Products

There are two main problems with male pattern baldness that make people want to know how to regrow hair. First our society views people with hair loss as older than they really are. In study after study it was found that subjects viewed people with baldness as being older than their actual age. In some studies people were shown pictures of faces with bald heads and asked to rank their age. Then other people were shown pictures of the same faces with full heads of hair. The faces with hair were thought to be up to 15 years younger than the faces without hair. The second result of baldness is loss of sex appeal.
Just like the age studies, when women were asked to rank on their sexuality based on how much hair they had the bald men were deemed less appealing. This may because fair loss can be associated with being more unhealthy and from an evolutionary standpoint the female would be smarted to choose a healthy male to pass on her genes. There seems to be a lot of sexual choices based on evolutionary thinking.
So if you are wondering how to regrow hair quickly there seems to be evidence that it will affect more than just your self esteem. If you are losing hair you are probably looked at as being older than you and you are less attractive to women. So what do you do about it?
There are several products on the market which can help slow down the hair loss rate and in some cases regrow hair that has been lost. Since hair loss is associated with hormones most of the products deal with manipulating the hormones in your body. Dutasteride, marketed as avodart, inhibits the conversion of testosterone. Finasteride, marketed as Proscar and Propecia, is a synthetic anti-androgen that inhibits the enzyme that converts testosterone. It is also used to treat enlarged prostrate. In fact it was during a treatment study to treat prostrate enlargement that it was found to treat male pattern baldness.
If you are looking for ways to make your hair grow faster, you could look into these two products. Another drug, ketoconazole, is a synthetic anit-fungal drug that is used in the treatment of fungal infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch, and ring worm. There is also an over the counter shampoo that is used to treat extreme cases of dandruff. Test on mice indicate that this drug may treat male pattern bladness but it has not been released for that use by the Food and Drug Administration. If this drug is certified it could be another tool in the how to grow hair fast war.
A fourth drug is minoxidil which is marketed as Rogaine. It is known for its ability to regrow hair and slow or stop the loss of hair. Rogaine is an over the counter drug that has become very popular as a treatment for hair loss. It works but must continue to be used. Any beneficial hair growth disappears within a few months of discontinuing use. Minoxidil is another hair loss treatment that was discovered on accident. Originally marketed as a medicine for the treatment of high blood pressure, it was found to have the interesting side affect of stopping hair loss and speeding up hair growth.
As you can see there are many possible drugs available as a treatment for how to make hair grow fast. Although none of them are wonder drugs there have been successes with each. These treatments are a possible answer to how to regrow hair in order to give you back your youthful, sexy look.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How To Regrow Hair

In order to help you learn how to regrow hair it is important that we know what causes hair loss. Once we understand about the causes of baldness we can find way to make hair grow back. The usual question is how to make your hair grow faster. The reason for this question is people are finding their hair is thinning out.
A common form of hair loss in both men and women is known as androgenic alopecia. In males this is usually referred to as male pattern baldness. Generally, men do not lose hair from all parts of their head equally. Instead, men tend to lose their hair more on the top of the head first and then the hair loss migrates to lower down on the head. This beginning hair loss results in a pattern where there is hair on the sides of the head but it thins on top. When this condition starts there is usually a thinning of the hair that starts at the temples and migrates to the top. At the beginning the hair is still growing above the center of the forehead. This is know as a widow's peak and was made famous by Dracula.
This pattern results in a M shape on the head. At this stage we also a thinning at the crown generally. In some cases the hair loss basically stops at this point. Men can go through the rest of their lives with this same pattern. When looking for solutions on how to regrow hair, these men are looking to fill in the bald spots.
Most times the balding does not stop at this stage but proceeds with the hair line continuing to recede. Eventually these men have a resulting hair pattern of complete baldness on the top of the head with a ring of hair around the edges and back just above ear level. When men are searching for make hair grow fast they are usually looking to reverse this type of hair loss.
This type of pattern baldness is generally not found in women with hair loss. They tend to have a thinning of the hair over their entire head. Hair loss treatment women usually results in a need to thicken the hair all over. In women androgenic alopecia rarely results in fully bald patches or complete hair loss. When women want to find out how to make hair grow fast they want to halt the thinning process and begin to thicken the hair.
Researchers believe that both these types of hair loss, male pattern baldness in men and total head thinning in women, are related to hormones known as androgens. Androgen hormone are important for male sex organ development both before birth and during puberty. They also have been found to be important to adult males and females for hair growth and controlling of sex drive.
Although the androgen hormones seem to play a major genetic role in hair loss it has also been determined that lifestyle and diet can also be a factor. The instances of male pattern baldness hair loss women seem to increase with a higher caloric and higher fat based diet along with a more sedentary lifestyle. This means you may be able to control hair loss by eating a diet lower in calories and lower in fats along with exercising regularly. It is believed that our ancestors who lived a hunter/gatherer lifestyle rarely suffered from baldness. There diet consisted of more lean meats along with nuts, fruits, and berries and they got plenty of excise on a daily basis.
Many people want to know how to make hair grow faster and how to grow hair fast. It seems like there is two aspects to hair loss, genetic and lifestyle. At this time we can't do anything about your genetics but we can control lifestyles to a certain extent. This will be the key in learning how to regrow hair.